LIDAR-Based 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving A Comprehensive Exploration of Methods, Implementation Steps, Tools, and Challenges in Integrating Deep Learning Techniques

Uthpala Weerasinghe

Ambalantota Campus, Coastal Managementm, University of Ruhuna, Ambalantota, Sri Lanka.

Keywords: LIDAR, Autonomous Driving, 3D Object Detection, Deep Learning, Sensor Fusion


Autonomous driving relies heavily on the vehicle's ability to perceive and understand its environment accurately. Among various sensors, LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) plays a significant role in generating three-dimensional information about the surroundings, essential for object detection tasks. This study provides an extensive exploration of LIDAR-based 3D object detection methods, emphasizing the incorporation of deep learning techniques to enhance object detection performance. The research categorizes LIDAR-based object detection methods into four types: voxel-based, point-based, Bird's Eye View (BEV), and fusion-based methods. Each category is explored in terms of overview, example models like VoxelNet, PointNet, and PIXOR, and their respective deep learning aspects. In voxel-based methods, the point cloud data is divided into a grid of voxels, and 3D CNNs are used for object classification and bounding box prediction. Point-based methods process the point cloud data directly, utilizing point-wise features and relationships for object detection. BEV methods project the 3D point cloud data onto a 2D plane and employ 2D CNNs for object detection. Fusion-based methods enhance detection performance by combining LIDAR data with other sensor data, such as camera images. We further outline the essential steps for implementing LIDAR-based 3D object detection, including data preparation, model design, training, evaluation, and deployment into the autonomous vehicle system. Tools and libraries such as PCL, TensorFlow/PyTorch, CUDA, and ROS are highlighted as crucial components in the handling, processing, and integration of LIDAR-based object detection systems. Challenges such as ensuring real-time processing capability, handling sparse and irregular point cloud data, and ensuring robustness to various environmental conditions are addressed. The research concludes with a perspective on the continued enhancement of LIDAR-based object detection systems, underlining the significance of ongoing research and advancements in both LIDAR technology and deep learning in overcoming the mentioned challenges and bolstering the performance and reliability of these systems for autonomous driving applications.