About the Journal

The International Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure for Cities and Societies (IJSICS) is a premier scholarly publication dedicated to advancing the understanding and practice of sustainable infrastructure development in urban areas and societies worldwide. It serves as a platform for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders to exchange knowledge, ideas, and experiences to foster the creation of sustainable and resilient cities.

IJSICS welcomes original research papers, review articles, case studies, and critical analyses that address various aspects of sustainable infrastructure, including but not limited to transportation systems, energy networks, water management, waste management, urban planning, housing, and smart technologies. The journal emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches and encourages contributions from diverse disciplines such as civil engineering, urban studies, environmental science, economics, social sciences, and public policy.

The journal publishes cutting-edge research that explores innovative solutions, methodologies, and technologies to address the challenges of urbanization and urban infrastructure development while minimizing environmental impacts and promoting social equity. It seeks to bridge the gap between academia and practice by facilitating the dissemination of practical and applicable knowledge, best practices, and policy recommendations.

Key topics covered in the journal include sustainable urban planning and design, green building and infrastructure, sustainable transportation systems, renewable energy integration, water-sensitive urban design, circular economy approaches, climate change adaptation and mitigation, social inclusion and equity, governance and policy frameworks, and community engagement in infrastructure development.

IJSICS maintains a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the publication of high-quality research. The journal also welcomes thematic special issues and special sections dedicated to specific topics or emerging trends within the realm of sustainable infrastructure for cities and societies.