Challenges Associated with the Deployment of Software Over-the-Air (SOTA) Updates in the Automotive Industry

Rahul Ekatpure

Keywords: automotive software, cybersecurity, network connectivity, regulatory compliance, SOTA updates


The rise of connected and autonomous vehicles has made Software Over-the-Air (SOTA) updates essential for enhancing vehicle performance, security, and functionality, enabling remote software improvements and fixes without physical vehicle access. However, deploying SOTA updates poses significant challenges that must be addressed to ensure vehicle safety, security, and functionality. This paper explores these challenges in the automotive industry. This study finds that the key challenges include maintaining security and privacy, where vulnerabilities in the SOTA process can expose vehicles to cyber threats, potentially compromising safety and sensitive user data. Network and connectivity issues present another hurdle, as intermittent or poor connectivity can disrupt updates, leading to incomplete installations and software corruption. Compatibility and integration issues between new updates and existing vehicle hardware and software can result in system instability and functionality loss. User acceptance of SOTA updates is also a concern, as skepticism and perceived inconvenience may lead to reluctance in accepting updates, delaying essential improvements. Additionally, compliance with diverse regulatory standards across different regions complicates the deployment process, requiring persistent alignment with legal requirements to avoid penalties. The paper suggests the need for an approach that involves cybersecurity, software development, network engineering, and regulatory compliance to effectively address these challenges and ensure successful SOTA update implementation in vehicles.