Integrating AI and NISQ Technologies for Enhanced Mobile Network Optimization

José Gabriel  Carrasco Ramírez


The relentless progression towards fifth generation (5G) and the impending transition towards sixth-generation (6G) mobile networks are characterized by their ability to deliver ultra-high speeds, minimal latency, and an interconnected web of a myriad of devices. Despite the considerable advancements, this evolution has also introduced an array of complex challenges in network management and optimization. Traditional computational methods are increasingly inadequate in addressing these complexities, paving the way for novel solutions that leverage cutting-edge technologies. This paper proposes an innovative framework that integrates the predictive prowess of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the quantum computational strengths of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. Aimed at optimizing Radio Access Network (RAN) operations, particularly focusing on the critical Root Sequence Index (RSI) assignment problem, this framework heralds a paradigm shift in network optimization approaches. Our proposed AI-NISQ framework is uniquely positioned to tackle the complexities of RAN by employing AI to predict and analyze network performance and configuration data, translating these insights into Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) problems. NISQ devices, exploiting quantum mechanics, are then utilized to find optimized solutions through quantum annealing—a process otherwise infeasible for classical computing when faced with large-scale optimization problems. The synergy of AI and NISQ technologies is expected to not only improve RSI assignment accuracy but also enhance overall network throughput and reduce latency, leading to a more robust and efficient network infrastructure. This paper presents an empirical evaluation to validate the proposed framework's efficacy over traditional optimization methods, setting a new standard for future RAN optimization tasks.

Author Biography

José Gabriel  Carrasco Ramírez

PhD (c) and Msc in International Law and International Studies.

Caribbean International University, Curazao, Lawyer.

Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Caracas, Venezuela.