Smart Connectors for Tomorrow: Flexible Multi-Channel High-Voltage Electrical Connector Design and Optimization

Nikola Ivanovski

Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Kliment Ohridski University - Bitola

Keywords: Flexible Connectors, High-Voltage Electrical Connectors, Smart Grid Technology, Connector Design Optimization, Advanced Polymer Materials


This research explores the design and optimization of flexible, multi-channel high-voltage electrical connectors to meet the evolving demands of smart grid applications. Traditional rigid connectors struggle with extreme conditions and lack the versatility needed for modern power distribution. By leveraging advanced materials, computational modeling, and multi-objective optimization approaches, we develop innovative connector geometries that combine high dielectric strength, mechanical flexibility, and thermal resilience. Field-analytic simulations validate the improved electro-thermo-mechanical performance, and economic analysis confirms substantial lifecycle savings. The proposed connector offers not only safe and reliable operation, but also reduces capital outlays through simplified manufacturing and installation processes. This research lays a foundation for next-generation smart and flexible connector technologies.

Author Biography

Nikola Ivanovski, Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Kliment Ohridski University - Bitola